Human Being = "sea monster" Black's Law Dictionary = Legalese: a private conveyance of language

1 year ago

When Eleanor Roosevelt helped her crooked polio husband and blood cousin F.D.R, highjack all of the American People's gold and silver from American shores under House Joint Resolution-192, the biggest hoist in history, which was a seditious act of Treason and theft of the Trust signed between the First Nations and The American People, as the United States INCORPOARTE via 1871, had no Right or Power to interpret any trust and or create Guardian and or Conservatorship for any American, and all acts are fraud and therefore void. As void as all ACTS. of Treason committed by the United States Corporation operating in fraud by use of the Organic Act of 1871
Masquerading as the Original Jurisdiction Government by and for the American People, "The United States of America" or as I recall reading in Philadelphia Pennsylvania "These united states for America" (1776)

As Communications Director for the First union of 1774, i: man: Trudel: Mary, Do Hereby Declare and Decree that : "the United States " is dissolved as are it's subcontracted agencies thereunder and over. We the People (ex real) forbid the creation of anymore corporations to be licensed by any STATE, State or Department, Bureau, Agency, Company, LLC, 501(c ) 3, S Corp, C Corp, or any other creature of any State, or any ens legis or derivative thereof, to harm or have real effect upon living beings, mankind, or the land whatsoever.

including but not limited to the creation of the " STATE OF ISREAL " (1947)

Hear Ye Hear Ye :

All ACTS since the JUDICIARY ACT (1789) is VOID for Fraud, and those engaged in ACTS of Treason, Sedition, and Insurrection of "We the People's Republic" must be hung for Treason, as that is the American People's true remedy!

Director of Communications for The 1774 union of The United State of America ~original jurisdiction - Trudel: Mary, 2019-present

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