1 year ago

In his book, Blue Blood, True Blood, Stewart Swerdlow writes that some four billion years ago the Humans of the Lyran System (except Pleiadian Atlans) fled then created the Galactic Federation of 110 scattered planets to fight Reptilians from the Draco system.
The androgynous Draco Reptilians energize themselves with human flesh and fear hormones.
Survivors of the initial Draco attacks rocketed to Mars and a (now extinct) planet called Maldek in the Solaris System and "to Orion, Tau Ceti, Pleiades, Procyon, Antares, Alpha Centauri, Aquarius and dozens of other solar systems."

One group of Lyran refugees to the Pleiades, the Atlans, refused to join the Galactic Federation and fight the Draco Empire. Atlans wanted, instead of a federation of refugees, to restore the ancient civilization in Lvra enjoved before the Dracos invaded. Atlans, like most Lyrans, were blue-eyed and blond or green-eyed and red haired.

Dracos lived within and controlled a hollowed-out, planet-sized comet with a rock core. They guided it to kill the Lyrans who fled to Maldek and Mars. "Gravity on Maldek was denser than Mars" so Maldekians "developed a thicker frame and a more aggressive attitude.

" The Maldekians threatened the Martians. The Martians got a defense shield machine from the beings of Khoom a planet of Sirius A to defend themselves against the Maldekians and the Draco comet heading for our sun.

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