For the first time ever, the US has charged four PRC companies with trafficking fentanyl

1 year ago

6/23/2023 DOJ News Conference on Fentanyl Trafficking: Almost all fentanyl precursors are manufactured and shipped from Communist China. For the first time ever, the US has charged four PRC companies with trafficking fentanyl, and we will continue to relentlessly pursue these criminals until this crisis ends!
#takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
6/23/2023 司法部芬太尼发布会: 几乎所有的芬太尼原料都是中共国制造并输出的,美国有史以来首次对四家中共国公司贩运芬太尼做出指控,并将继续不懈地追查这些犯罪份子,直到结束这场危机!
#消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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