Satisfactory Update 8 - #2

1 year ago

This is video #2 of Update 8. In this episode, We had to manually craft some basic items to open up a little more in automation. We are able to set up mining on iron, copper, and limestone to produce iron plates, rods, screws, copper wire, cable, and concrete. We spent more time opening more tech in the HUB toward the end of the episode. We also spent a little time exploring the immediate area to find more resource nodes and take a look at the landscape for future builds. When you watch this episode, notice the initial setup for production was in preparation for splitters and mergers. That way two lanes off one belt would open up to double production. We also had to increase the power requirements and prepare for solid biomass. Remember, this is just a basic setup to get up and running. As we advance, it will be necessary to move production to new locations and begin preparing for growth.

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