Pole Bending Competition - Jack and Avi - Second Place in Adult Division - 23 June 2023

1 year ago

Avi is NOT a Gymkhana horse - she is an all around ride/drive horse - she has done a bit of team roping, done a bit of Team Sorting, helped herd neighbor's cattle, ponied quite a few horses and ponies, worked the return alley at team roping events, pulled logs, pulled sleds loaded with cut firewood, run lots of errands and put on a LOT of road and trail miles. She has and is also helping a number of people learn to ride or learn to ride better. And she is great at giving kids horseback rides. So while she dropped to a trot (seemingly thinking it was silly to change leads every couple of strides when she could trot nearly as fast and not have to change leads) she IMO did pretty decent for a horse that is NOT dedicated to gymkhana with a time of 31.623 seconds which took Second Place at this show. We got beat by one of my farrier clients. ---- We took First Place in Indiana Flag with a time of 15.953 seconds. We took Second Place in Cloverleaf (Barrel Racing) with a time of 25.615 seconds. Candidly there where 4-H youth that got better times on their gymkhana horses. But IMO decent for a non-gymkhana horse.

My sweetheart wife thought we would get DQ'd for dropping to a trot. If you stay on course and maintain forward motion you get a good time. You can trot. You could even walk. You cannot back up. You cannot go off course. You get 5 seconds added to your time for every pole you knock down. Just FYI.

Remember to intentionally, on purpose, learn of God each day by prayerfully reading, studying, and pondering upon God's word each day. Talk to God in prayer as your Heavenly Father who would like for you to be His friend. Find out what He would like you to do for Him as His friend and go and do it for Him as His friend. Yes very intentionally, very much on purpose, become the friend of God. And have a blessed day!!

Jack Griffes
Certified Farrier accepting new clients in my core area https://griffes.tripod.com/farrier.html
Colt Starting Trainer - contact me to get your horse on my waiting list
Constitution Coach
Freedom is the cure - Learn, Love, Live the Principles of Liberty https://griffes.tripod.com/Learn-Founding-Principles.html .

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