Visions by Stevie Wonder from the Album INNERVISION...

1 year ago

From his 1973 Grammy Award Winning Album, INNERVISIONS, this song represents a Deep Innerstanding of where God exists, and where True Freedom Reigns Supreme, and that is WITHIN US...and within the Song, Wonder contemplates whether this is our only Salvation, Within our Minds, where we are Free to Fly Away and Soar to Great Heights, at One with God, or is it possible to stay Here, and Now, in the Present on Earth, and Change this World into something better???

This is the ultimate question of our time, is the World just a Fucked Up place that cannot be saved, and we just have to make the best of it, or thru a complete Re-Commitment to God, can we turn all of the Negativity and Darkness back into the Light of this World...back to a Reality were we all know, Father Heaven and Mother Earth, as our own Parents, where Goodness and Abundance Flow like a River without an end...

Ultimately, the Choice is let us Choose, but Choose WISELY, thru INNERVISION...

With Great Love and Appreciation to Stevie Wonder and to all of You, enjoy this Beautiful Song, and begin to find your Way back to God thru the Way of Jesus Christ...

Charlie Freak

PS...a great thanks to Rudolf M for some of the Video clips...CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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