1 year ago

Are you ready for REVIVAL? Ready for the greatest preacher and gospel ever in the second age of Christianity? We are in the last days, end times, or 43 years of the preaching, bibles, religions, and kingdoms of men Dan. 2:44; 12:4; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21; James 5:7-11; etc.!

We have always had the words of God, yet, the supernatural objective truths contained in them are as high as the heavens above the ways of men, exceeding abundantly greater than men could have imagined before these last days or end times of the wisdom from below Isa. 55:8ff; Eph. 3:20ff; 1 Cor.2:6-16; James 3:15.

In these last days, end times or final 43 years of suffering from every wind of the doctrine of men, the perfect preacher is back wielding from heaven the Sword of the Spirit Heb. 1:2; Job; James 5:7-11; Dan. 2:44; 12:4; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21;

The first fall of men from the ways of God was in the Garden of Eden. Satan stole peace from men by convincing us that the subjective truth and pseudo-science preaching of men, the wisdom from below James 3:15, is as good as Christ's preaching James 3:15; Rom. 5:12; Rev. 6:4; Gen. 2:17-4:12 2 Thess. 2:10 John 8:32.
Satan, the man of sin, the antichrist, a demon, and the second horseman of the apocalypse, steals our peace with his mega sword of every wind of the doctrine of men that murdered Christ and is what we need to be saved from Rev. 6:4; 1 Cor. 2:6-16 The man Satan, in the book of Job was given great power so he could convince Job that he was God. Satan still pretends to be God 2 Thess. 2:4, and is why we like Job believe we know the mind of God when we do not. Modern man would do well to realize that we are poor in Spirit and need to consider the 40 questions the Lord asked Job in chapter 38.

. It is not in man to guide his path Jer. 10:23. The book of Job is about how that humanity will have to patiently endure the suffering brought on by the cancel culture preaching of men until the first and now the second apocalypse or appearance of the ways of God in His kingdom where every spiritual blessing are found and which are as high as the heavens, exceeding abundantly greater than we can imagine Isa. 55:8ff; Isa. 64:5ff; Eph. 3:20.
The first apocalypse was preceded by the last days of men's ways. This was the last 43 years of the ways of men before the completion of the wisdom from above Judas 3. Every knee bowed as the Lord was sanctified and glorified Lev. 10:3 and all the earth was silent before Him Hab. 2:20.

The Sword of the Spirit, the wisdom from above, in part, is back in these last days of the ways of men. We know because Satan is again identified as the man of sin who rules over the kingdoms of men by pretending to be God 2 Thess. 2:3-4. The second apocalypse is foreshadowed by the 43 years of spiritual warfare in the New Testament. Three years of pre-Christian warfare Matthew-John and 40 years of Christian Spiritual Warfare Micah 7:15; 1 Cor. 13:9-12. All of the ways of men ending with the apocalypse and the meek inheriting the earth for the last 720 years of Christianity, with every spiritual blessing, at the great wedding feast Acts -Revelation.

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