New Zealand PM video: “China's Xi is NOT a dictator!"

1 year ago

Member of the 5-eyes anti-China alliance New Zealand PM video: “China's Xi is NOT a dictator!" 反華五眼聯盟成員新西蘭總理:“中國的習近平不是獨裁者!”

This week, just one day after US Secretary of State Blinken wrapped up his two day crisis visit to Beijing, Joe Biden called China’s President Xi Jinping a “dictator.” 本週,就在美國國務卿布林肯結束對北京為期兩天的危機訪問一天后,喬·拜登稱中國國家主席習近平為“獨裁者”。

The day after that, reporters in New Zealand asked Prime Minister Chris Hipkins if he agrees. His reasoned answer made me proud to be a New Zealander and shocked the Western world. It also set US war hawks into a Category 5 Frenzy, with some calling for sanctions and suggesting Hipkins no longer deserves to lead. 第二天,新西蘭記者詢問總理克里斯·希普金斯是否同意。 他的理性回答讓我為自己是新西蘭人而感到自豪,並震驚了西方世界。 這也讓美國戰爭鷹派陷入了第五級狂熱,一些人呼籲實施制裁,並暗示希普金斯不再值得領導。

Today, we’ll investigate. This is Reports on China, I’m Andy Boreham in Shanghai. Let’s get reporting. 今天,我們就來調查一下。 這是中國報導,我是上海的安迪·博勒姆。 讓我們進行報導吧。

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