Trusting Jesus, Trusting You (Colossians 1:19-29)

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Title: "Trusting Jesus, Trusting You (Colossians 1:19-29) | Full Sermon" Trusting God. Trusting You (Colossians 1:19-29)

In this powerful sermon, Pastor Allen explores the profound trust that God placed in Jesus as our Kinsman Redeemer. He delves into the depths of this trust, challenging the audience to consider the extent of their own trust in Him. From the Scriptures, Pastor Allen reveals how Jesus, being fully God and fully human, was entrusted with everything by the Father. He highlights the significance of Jesus' faithfulness in accomplishing his mission, which resulted in the reconciliation of all things through the blood of the cross. Through vivid illustrations, Alan depicts the immense debt of sin we owe and emphasizes how Jesus paid it off through his sacrificial death. Witness the awe-inspiring truth of God's love and grace as we uncovers the ultimate act of trust displayed by both the Father and Jesus. This sermon will deepen your understanding of God's plan for redemption and leave you with a renewed sense of trust in Him.

This teaching also discusses the concept of suffering for the sake of the Gospel, using the example of the apostle Paul and his willingness to endure hardships and persecution to preach the message of Jesus Christ. Pastor Allen encourages the listeners to be willing to sacrifice and serve as ministers or stewards of the Gospel, sharing it with others.

The passage also mentions the term "mystery," which the speaker says has been hidden for ages but is now revealed to the saints. The mystery refers to the Gospel message, which was not fully understood in the Old Testament but has been made known through Jesus Christ.

Overall, the message emphasizes the importance of faith, the need to share the Gospel with others, and the willingness to suffer for the sake of spreading the good news.

A verse-by-verse study of verses 19-29 from the first chapter of Colossians. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel

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