Beware of prostitute doctors | FLCCC's Betsy Ashton

1 year ago

Former journalist Betsy Ashton (Frontline COVID Care Alliance, FLCCC) explains the phenomenon of prostitute doctors, which are doctors who are little more than disguised salesmen. They sing the praises of any medication or treatment in return for certain benefits (such as monetary reward, a nice vacation, awards, a promotion, etc.). They do this regardless of the necessity, safety or efficacy of said medication or treatment.

Related but not discussed in this segment: the phenomenon of ghost writing. In this case the industry (for example the pharmaceutical industry, Bayer, cigarette manufacturers, etc.) wants to publish a marketing piece disguised as the scientific method (i.e. The $cience™) in a prominent scientific journal or other publication.

The industry writes the whole article in advance and pays a prominent person who is perceived to be an authority (such as a doctor or professor) to be the lead 'writer' of the article in order to make the 'research' seem legitimate and credible.

In many cases the 'authority' has not done any work on the specified research, nor have they verified the results. They are just paid for the use their name.

In this segment, Rav Arora has an important common sense insight: doctors (and other experts) are human beings, not deities. They can be bought and have ego's, just like other human beings. Do not place them on a pedestal. Do not give them your blind trust, because they don't deserve it. They may have certain valuable expertise and tools which may be of benefit to you.


Media Bias and the Illusion of Consensus: FLCCC Weekly Update (June 14, 2023)

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