Just What Is the Day of the Lord?

1 year ago

To learn more about what is to come, get our Free CD "Day of the LORD" for free: https://bit.ly/33hLV9p How is this free? It has already been paid for by others.

More than 30 prophecies in your Bible describe an awesome event that will rock the whole world. It’s called the DAY OF THE LORD. It will shake all nations and all peoples on earth. It will affect you and your family if you are alive to see it.

Just WHAT IS the DAY OF THE LORD? Is it a day of the week? How long will it last? Just HOW will it affect every nation and person on earth? What will it mean in the flow of Bible prophecy? The book of Revelation introduces the Day of the Lord with dramatic cosmic disturbances. “The stars of heaven” fall to the earth. The sun becomes black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon becomes like blood. There is a great earthquake. As it tells us in Revelation 6:14, “every mountain and island was moved out of its place.”

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