Host Files Explained Part 72

10 months ago

Host Files Explained

The "hosts" file is a plain text file that is present on most operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is used to map domain names to specific IP addresses, effectively overriding the default DNS (Domain Name System) resolution.

Here's how the hosts file works:

DNS Resolution: When you enter a domain name (e.g., in a web browser, your computer needs to resolve that domain name to an IP address. It typically does this by querying DNS servers, which provide the IP address associated with the domain.

Hosts File: However, before making a DNS query, the operating system checks the hosts file for any mappings related to the domain name being accessed.

Mapping Entries: The hosts file contains a list of mapping entries, with each entry on a separate line. Each line consists of an IP address followed by one or more domain names associated with that IP address. For example: localhost

In this example, the IP address is mapped to the domain name "localhost." The IP address refers to the loopback address, which points to the local machine itself.

Overrides DNS Resolution: If a domain name is found in the hosts file, the associated IP address is used instead of querying DNS servers. This allows you to override the default IP address associated with a domain name. For example, you could map a domain name to a local IP address to test a website or block access to certain websites by mapping them to an invalid IP address.

Administrative Privileges: Modifying the hosts file usually requires administrative privileges or root access, as it is a system file. This helps prevent unauthorized changes to the file, protecting the DNS resolution process.


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