Jesus was not crucified | Did Jesus DIE on the cross according to the Bible and the Quran?

1 year ago

Jesus was not crucified | Did Jesus die on the cross according to the Bible and the Quran? The crucifixion of Jesus is one of the major points over which Christianity and Islam differ. Christians say Jesus was crucified while Muslims say Jesus was not crucified. Who is correct? Was Jesus crucified? Can it be shown that the crucifixion of Jesus in the Bible can be reconciled with the Quran's statement that Jesus was not crucified? Watch this video till the end to learn the truth about the crucifixion of Jesus. You will learn that both the Bible and the Quran teach the same thing about the crucifixion of Jesus!


1) The Christian account of the crucifixion is that Jews demanded from Pontius Pilate the death sentence for Jesus, following which the Roman executioners carried out the crucifixion – a standard Roman execution procedure at that time. This implies that the Messiah, Jesus was killed at the hands of men – the Roman executioners who nailed him to the cross and more importantly, the Jewish priests who wanted him dead.

2) John 10:18 opposes the idea of Jesus having his life taken by men. Here, Jesus makes a fascinating declaration, that he – with God-given authority – was in charge of his own life and that no man could take his life away from him. The exact verse is as follows :

No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father. – John 10:18

3) The implications of John 10:18 is that Jesus could not have been truly “killed” by men, whether the Roman executioners or the Jewish priests. If it were so, then Jesus’ declaration that no man could take his life would be severely contradicted. In light of John 10:18, Jesus would have laid his life down on his own, only to take it back in the tomb after which, he ascended to God, but he did not die of the crucifixion, and nobody killed him.

4) The Koran assertively declares that Jesus was not killed, but that Allah raised Jesus up to himself.

That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah”;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow for of a surety they killed him not. Nay! Allah took him up to Himself; and Allah is Mighty, Wise. – Koran 4:157-158
(“They” and “them” refers to the Jews.)

4a) The above verses are often (mis)interpreted as meaning that Jesus was not personally taken up to the cross, and that somebody else was transformed to look like Jesus and mistakenly crucified in place of Jesus. This happens to be the popular interpretation of the Korans statement on the crucifixion. However, what if the above verses are actually fully in line with the sayings of Jesus and the Biblical account of the crucifixion?

4b) “they killed him not, nor crucified him” : Lets be clear first that to “crucify” is to KILL. It doesn’t mean to merely nail someone to a cross and leave it open ended. The 2 thieves died of the crucifixion and stayed dead. You could legitimately say that they were “killed / crucified”.

Jesus however, is exempt from falling the same category as the thieves for 2 reasons:
First, his own declaration in John 10:18 holds that no one could take his life from him and that he could lay down life on his own. And according to the Gospels, Jesus indeed laid down his life after he said “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46). Second, Jesus had authority to take back his own life. His resurrection in the tomb and ascension are well known. Putting the two together, we see that it echoes the Koranic statements that “they killed him not, nor crucified him…Allah took him up to Himself”.

4c. “but so it was made to appear to them” : To the Jews (and everybody else) looking on, it would have appeared as if he “died” as a result of the crucifixion But unbeknownst to them, Jesus had laid his own life, as he said he could and therefore, unlike the 2 thieves, did not die as a natural result of the crucifixion.

4d) “but only conjecture to follow” : The Jews remained convinced that Jesus was dead, and even spread rumors that Jesus “dead body” was stolen from the tomb by his disciples. Matthew 28:11 says that this story “has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day”. The Talmud supposedly contains a reference to the crucifixion and Jews continue to believe they executed a false prophet, but Christians know that was resurrected and ascended to God.

4e) “Allah took him up to Himself” : This does not need any further commentary, because its also the Christian view that Jesus ascended to God (John 20:17).

#Jesus #Crucifixion #Islam

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