Herculaneum to Hard Drives: How data storage is under threat like never before

1 year ago

In this video, we investigate the danger that modern data storage and personal records is under through the lens of history.

1. Pyroclastic flows are usually closer to 60 miles per hour. Several-hundred mile per hour pyroclastic flows are rare and the speed of Pompeii’s are not known, though they have been guestimated to be on the higher range due to the strength of the eruption: https://chat.openai.com/share/3d50e9f9-0d11-44c4-a771-14f068bb99e0

2. Turns out, 4Chan is actually right about a lot of things. The internet is still not forever.

3. The hugging couple was me combining a couple stories. I was very tired of having to re-record this episode and was going off memory because I was also tired of writing scripts.

4. The father I referred to didn’t have his kid taken away. I was mixing that case up with another case of a father being falsely accused of creating porn of his children by Silicon Valley monsters.

5. Hard drives are actually really cheap. I misspoke.

6. Clearly, I meant 2021 and not 2011

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