God hates the wicked and will make them suffer in the tribulation period

11 months ago

God has had enough of the wicked, abusers, self righteous church crowd and pastors!! He has had it and will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world and no one will be able to hide or escape!! If you get left behind Jesus will not come back and get you at all!! You must suffer persercution and get killed in a very antichrist hostile world and it will be very wicked much worse then it is now, Satan and his wicked angels will be on earth having a hay day and will go after all the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors, the ones who played church all the time and acted like they were so good and God loves me how I am and do whatever I want and will go to heaven, they will be left behind everyone of them will be!! They will not be taken at all, life after the rapture happens will be hell on earth!! WW3 is here and people are so blind and stupid to see it, games are over people!! Jesus is coming at any second and true believers will all be gone!! The antichrist world is set up and ready to go

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