TheDimBooks LIVE! Ready Player Two (Chapters: 005-Cutscene?)

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 11:30 ET! Chatting about the rest of "Ready Player Two" by Ernest Cline.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Good old fashioned critical thinking

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Interesting. I mentioned consequence in regard to another topic

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ you are speaking to lack of consequence making someone more likely to take action themself

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ laws need teeth

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ or people will use theirs

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Martial arts is legal within the same self defense rules as anything else

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It just depends on the self defense laws where one happens to be

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ No worries

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Mostly listening to your commentary

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Correct

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ what ever the laws are for self defense are

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The only thing that should be done in entertainment is create interesting characters and stories

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ if representation is an issue then follow proportional representation

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ In the US there are 12% black approximately so 12 or every 100 characters should be black

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ But that is a bad practice to follow

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ just make good stories and characters

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ 90s media was diverse, representative of a wide range of people and filled with great characters and stories

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ politics ruins everything and should not be in media unless the movie is about politics

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ subtle political messages are fine but it needs to be subtle. Few go to the movies because an action movie is "anti-gun"

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ hahaha

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The qualities of being a good person may vary from culture to culture but such traits should transcend race or place of origin

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Those qualities are usually common across all cultures as well with some amount of nuance

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ There are many such curiosity such as all the clean shaven men and women with no pit hair. Despite a lack of metal or a full blown apocalypse ongoing

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ 50's space movies were great for the fact the females wore skirt and had perfect hair at all times

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ and heel

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ heels in space

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ good for her

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Speaking accurately is neither ism or ist

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ everyone would be better off if what is presented has a focus on accuracy

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Cats interfere with all streams

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Orcs are bastardized ellves. Dark represents the corruption

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ to see that as some kind of metaphor for real world race indicates a shallow view of the world for the person with that view

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ not the writer

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ color has been symbolic for a long time and is not based on race

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ black and dark have long been depicted as evil due to humans having fear of it

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ white and light is just good or safe

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The entire modern narrative is silly

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Skin tone are shades of tan on a spectrum as far as I know

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ reddish tans or yellow tans or dark tans or red tans

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ and exposure can change that tone remarkably

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ does a well tanned Caucasian qualify as black at a certain level? Do they have a measuring instrument such as those used to measure how dark a tint is on car windows?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Great commentary as always

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I just ramble. Have fun and be safe

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