Depositors demand that the Anhui provincial government return their frozen deposits

10 months ago

6/22/2023 Videos circulating online show that depositors from rural commercial banks in Anhui have once again gathered at the entrance of the People's Bank of China in Anhui and taken to an overpass in Hefei to protest. They are demanding that the Anhui provincial government and the respective banks return their frozen deposits following the bank failures.
#Anhui #depositors #protest #bankfailure #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
6/22/2023 网上流传的视频显示,安徽村镇银行的储户再次来到安徽人民银行门口抗议,并走上了合肥的天桥呐喊,要求安徽政府和村镇银行归他们还在银行暴雷后被冻结的存款。
#安徽 #储户 #抗议 #银行暴雷 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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