DRUGGY LOSER | Harassment Education

1 year ago

I did not make fun of any drugs users displayed in this video, I only used them to warn people of the harm that always comes from drugs. I jokingly made fun of the people watching this so they can laugh and also Most Importantly get the serious message into their heart and quit. If the people displayed are watching, I thank you; for using your images with a lot of respect and appreciation from me, I hope you are better and I invite you to Islam to have True Ultimate Pleasure in Heaven, which has 100% Proof that it is the Final Revelation that the Creator has Given to All of Humanity.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/islamglobe/
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3216194

Anything correct I said, is from Allah, anything wrong I said, is from me.

0:00 Intro, LOSER
0:38 What happens if you continue drugs, CRACKPOT
1:52 Every Drug is Gateway, meth head
2:48 You get hooked from the first hit & WILL DO MORE, POT PAN HEAD
2:57 How this will get you addicted to lead you to destroy yourself, LOSER
3:11 Addiction starts with "innocent drugs"
3:20 Cravings get you addicted, neck scratcher
3:53 Your Money is Finished, broke crackhead
4:22 How long will your Parents put up with you breaking & violating their hearts? You Oppressor
4:35 You will be on the streets cause either you ran out of money or you get kicked out
4:51 How this Damages your Relationship with Allah
5:12 How the dEviL leads you astray from Allah with this and in general
5:33 Don't lose your Hope & Connection with Allah
5:46 Allah is the Greatest Cure for Everything
6:10 Quit Drugs, Become Great, What are you waiting for?
6:14 How your brain becomes slow & limited
6:30 The True Purpose of Life is your Creator
7:30 The Creator will always be there for you, no matter what

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