#7 Rocky Jones: Space Ranger - Escape Into Space

11 months ago

Tuck Harmon, with several suitcases full of stolen money, steals a rocket ship and plans to live out his days on his own private moon. After several failed comedic attempts by his sidekick Winky to get a date for the night, Secretary Drake, Head of the Space Rangers, finally gets through and Rocky gets the call to chase Tuck down. When Tuck Harmon sends out a mayday call after his ship is struck by Meteors, it is Rocky to the rescue. After it is revealed that Tuck is superstitious, they touch down on a local moon, Tuck's ultimate destination. There Bobby, Rocky's child friend, makes friends of his own with the local princess and they concoct a way to get Tuck to reveal all. Hijinks ensue and Rocky is able to get Tuck to admit his crimes.

Richard Crane - Rocky Jones,
Scotty Beckett – Winky,
Sally Mansfield - Vena Ray,
Robert Lyden – Bobby,
Maurice Cass - Professor Newton,
Charles Meredith - Secretary of Space Drake,
Frank Wilcox - Truck Harmon,
Walter Coy – Zoravac,
Patsy Iannone – Volaca,

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