Exposing America's Violence Against Black Women | Dr. Treva B. Lindsey | TMR

1 year ago

America, Goddam sheds light on the violence endured by Black women and girls in the United States, examining the intersecting forces of anti-Blackness, misogyny, patriarchy, and capitalism that shape their lives. Through personal narratives, insightful analysis, and a blend of history, theory, and memoir, author Treva B. Lindsey exposes the often overlooked gender dynamics of anti-Black violence and highlights the demands for justice made by Black women and their communities. The book explores the marginalized position of Black women within Black freedom movements, their leadership in advocating for justice, and their historical contributions to organizing and radical politics. America, Goddam is a call to action, urging readers to confront the pervasive violence targeting Black women and girls and strive for a more just future.

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