Article Video - An Example of Evil - Friday, June 23, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - An Example of Evil - Friday, June 23, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Evil comes into our lives in many ways and every day. It tip-toes through the door and flies in through the windows we unwittingly grant it, every single day we live. Evil is, in fact, more familiar to us than Good. Given the common and ubiquitous nature of Evil, one would expect that we are all equipped to recognize it for what it is, and avoid it.

Sadly, this is not the case. Instead, when we are confronted with new or threatening conditions, our tendency is to assume the worst and take refuge in Evil, allowing our imaginations to romp through an endless field of negative suppositions, fears, dreads, triggers of anger and ego-protective damage control mechanisms we have developed in our long every day acquaintance with Evil. At the precise moment when we are called upon to respond with Love, we respond with Evil instead, because that is how we are programmed to react.

Literally programmed, like a computer program.

Actual combat with Evil is always anti-intuitive.

Observe Yeshuah on the cross. He didn't have to go there. He went to have it out with Satan, one on one, a knockdown, drag out, no holds barred, winner take all fight. Satan won easily against Yeshuah's mortal body, but he lost the eternal war. Yeshuah won the crown of life, and all of Satan's power was useless.

All the "power" of Imperial Rome, all the "power" of the Sanhedrin, all the "power" of the Moneychangers, all the "power" of Death itself -- overthrown.

Nothing about this battle made sense to people at the time.

They were all expecting a different kind of battle.

And a different outcome.

His own Mother had to come to the foot of the cross and weep and be numb with grief, the object of public shame.

His Disciples and all who had followed him into Jerusalem just the week before were thrown into dismay and they must have thought, well, this is how it all ends. Rome and the Devil and the Moneychangers win again.

This is the way it is when we confront Evil. It's never easy. It's always anti-intuitive. Nothing about such combat makes common sense, because the ways of God are not the ways of men.

The very first bit of information decoded from our DNA and announced by Gregg Brayden to a numb and disbelieving world was: "God eternal within the body."

That's what the first few DNA codes say in five different ancient languages. Were any of us ready for that?

Where is the mainstream media?

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