Alchemical Lightning Transmission ~ June 24th, 2023

Streamed on:

**ANNOUNCEMENT** Telegram Channel will be primary place for Alchemical Lightning Sessions. I will move all the recordings there as well. Please join the channel:

11am Central Saturdays
• Join Pauline to receive and relax in this healing energy transmission.
• Pauline sees one-body for all in attendance. Transmissions are based on those attending live.
• What you receive is for you on any level of your body, mind, emotion or spirit.
• All sessions are Five Element Alchemy plus singing bowl throughout the transmission.
*Please no driving during the sessions.
Five Element Alchemy® | Nature’s Ancient Wisdom For Evolving & Awakening Your Inner Sage
I help seekers living unfulfilled achieve awareness, clarity, and self-actualization by connecting to the inner wisdom and brilliance of the sage within to evolve and become what they seek, and shine light into the world for all.

Alchemical Lightning Transmissions moving to Telegram:

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