Dr. Stella Immanuel MD to Nigeria. Prepare yourself

11 months ago

Nigeria is one of the flagship countries for the globalist digitalization, control and depopulation agenda.
What is happening in Nigeria now is to stress you people so much, and when you can no longer bare it, they will bring government subsidies that will be tied to digital ID.
I know a lot of Christians are ready to be martyred.
What if they don’t try to cut off your head but try to starve you. How many people can watch their 4 years old starve to death.
The black horse Revelation 6:5-6 is in Nigeria
Pray like never before!
Evangelize like never before!
Stock up food now!
Start growing your own food y’all.
Move to the villages or get together and buy an acre or so in the village to share and farm. Let’s get back to where we were before oyibo came. Your survival depends on it.
Follow me for updates!

🔗 Dr. Stella Immanuel MD (@stella_immanuel)

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