Nicole: The US has been owned by the CCP

1 year ago

06/23/2023 Nicole on Outside The Beltway: We have seen that this administration has been cooperating with the CCP every step of the way. The mainstream media has become the CCP’s propaganda tool. So this country has been owned by the CCP. And we hate to lose this country. I support all the congressional work that has been in place to hold the American sellouts accountable.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/23/2023 妮可做客Outside The Beltway节目:现在我们已经看到这届政府一直选择了与中共合作。主流媒体已经成了中共的宣传工具。美国这个国家已经成了中共的囊中之物,我们痛恨失去这个国家。所以,我支持国会追究卖美贼责任已采取的所有举措。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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