Scammed Dex Scroll - Paid Back via RuneWatch - HerraKadetti (Name change: OnePlus10) + TuttiCapi

1 year ago

The scammed Dex scroll on 31 March is finally paid back after 1 month!
I didn't expected to see this money returned to me.
TuttiCapi is an ironman which was the reason why he couldn't split the drop.
TuttiCapi didn't even know that I was comming from WDR.
And that we had to split the drop.
Due to that HerraKadetti (changed name immediately to: OnePlus10) told him that he was saying that he was gonna ask for a friend to do raids with. His RSN is now: Zero Addict
Obviously TuttiCapi has removed HerraKadetti immediately after this was occurred.
Runewatch said since the drop was on TuttiCapi his name he have to pay for it.
TuttiCapi has paid this dex scroll split with a OSRS Bond, due to that he doesn't want to play on a main account which gives him a gambling addiction.
I've told him that he only should do ffas and also look out with ppl that he's gonna do raids with.
Because this can ''friends'' do to you.


This is the Dex scroll video where I got scammed into:

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