Rasmus Paludan vs. Annette Heick - Bornholm, June 2023

1 year ago

The disgustingly arrogant wanna-be elitist, semi-celebrity and has-been Annette Heick, suffers a hysterical tantrum at Rasmus Paludan, as her (as she describes it), ‘very, very upscale clientele’ obviously is too high, mighty and important to be bothered from Rasmus Paludan’s message about Islam, the Quran and related stuff.

A week or so later Annette Heick more or less admits that she lied.

Link: https://t.me/croixdefer/1231

Watch also: https://rumble.com/v2w2pxe-rasmus-paludan-vs.-annette-heick-heick-lies-boastfully-about-her-power-to-h.html

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