Newt Gingrich | March to the Majority - Bring People Together #news #newtgingrich #newbook

1 year ago

Order Newt's Latest Book: March to the Majority: The Real Story of the Republican Revolution Today!

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March to the Majority is a really important book because it shows how people can come together to achieve something really big. When I first got elected back in 1978, Republicans had been in the minority for 24 years. In the House they'd lost all hope. A few of us said, You know, we can get this done. Now, it took longer than we thought it would; it took sixteen years. That's why we talked about it as a March to the Majority! It wasn't really wasn't a leap. It wasn’t a jump. But what we found was when we reached out to our fellow citizens, when I explained the ideas, when we talked about the power of tax cuts to create jobs. The power of less regulation, to encourage small businesses and entrepreneurs, the potential of going back to work as the number one social policy, not welfare. People said, you know, that is an American future worth working for. And the result was ultimately, we got a Contract With America and we got a 54 seat gain in 1994. And suddenly, for the first time in 40 years, there was a Republican majority.

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