Do you try to stick to a color palette in your craft space? #shorts #officesupplies #craftroomideas

1 year ago

Do you try to stick to a color palette in your craft space or is it kinda all over the place?

Previously, my craft room decor was very chaotic. Nothing matched or coordinated. This year I am trying to be intentional about what I put in my craft space and stick to common design elements.

There’s lots of white, lots of black, a little bit of rattan and now this muted rainbow.

I got these highlighters off Amazon and they are going to be the inspiration for the rest of the space!

Style does not come natural to me, I am not very good at decorating or making things look good. When i see other’s rooms that I love, they usually have a particular Color palette so that’s what I’m shooting for!

Hopefully, I can stick to it and make my room look more cohesive. I feel like if my room is styled well, the content I put out will be better 😂 IDK if that’s a real thing or not but that’s how I feel.

You can find these highlighters in my Amazon Storefront under “business essentials”

What does your workspace look like?

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