My crochet patterns may not be perfect #shorts #crochet #crochetpattern

1 year ago

My crochet patterns may not be perfect.

There may be some formatting issues or spelling mistakes and I may make up my own terms sometimes.

But I write like I talk. So when you’re working through one of my patterns it’s going to feel like we’re hanging out together and having a little crochet party.

If you’re a beginner crocheter and “professional” crochet patterns intimidate you or you find them hard to understand, try following patterns from random bloggers like me! It might be a whole lot easier for you to understand and help you learn how to crochet without getting overwhelmed.

If you get overwhelmed you could potentially give up! We don’t want that! Crocheting is so rewarding. So don’t give up ;) just try a different designer.

Spoiler alert. You can see nearly all of my crochet patterns for free on my blog. You can check out my writing style and teaching style before you ever decide to buy a pdf.

I hope this was helpful for anyone who’s struggling to learn how to crochet!

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