'Being in the Body' Meditation

1 year ago

Meditation is an innate way of being with ourselves, all others and the Earth. Rather than a technique or a tool that we use to fix or better ourselves, it is simply an earnest way to frequent and spend time with ourselves.

Why do it though? Especially because it can feel difficult and challenging?

We do it because meditation, as in ‘sensing our presence in our bodies’ - no visualisations, affirmations or mantras or anything else - is actually about embodying our full potentiality and power, which are always and already there waiting to be reclaimed. So, when we stop and we offer our attention and orientation to sensing our sense of self in our physicality, there is an inherent and natural biospiritual process happening, where we are embodying and strengthening more and more in our ever present total sovereignty and creative intelligence.

So next time you sit to meditate, in other words to just spend time with yourself, remember that all mental, physical, emotional and spiritual experiences you have - both negative and positive - are moving through you, are moving through the steadfastness of your presence. And they are ‘undone’, ‘unlearned’, ‘uncovered’, burnt in the stillness of your presence. You live more in spontaneity, uninhibited by social standards and dogmas, more rooted in the values that feel aligned for you, and more creative and free in your expression of who you are and what life you wish to live with all others and the Earth. We are wired for this by Nature.

Music: 'Spaces' by Sigridur
Photo: View from Cabana 4 Finca El Pilar, Antigua, Guatemala, June 2023.

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