The United States Stock Market is RIGGED. Head of the SEC Gary Gensler confirms

1 year ago

The United States Stock Market is RIGGED. Head of the SEC Gary Gensler confirms 90-95% of orders DO NOT count anymore for pricing. We no longer have a market because NOTHING you do matters, supply & demand doesn’t exist. Short sellers have found a way to make sure they they can NEVER LOSE by running everyone’s orders through dark pools so they no longer impact price.

Normally the more buyers a stock has = more buying pressure = the price goes up

Selling pressure means stock price goes down

Short sellers lose money if the stocks they are shorting increase in price. So Bernie Madoff created a scam called payment for order flow with lets them route everyone’s orders off exchange/ through dark pool and these orders no longer count to pricing, so prices can never increase. This ensure they can NEVER LOSE

They are abusing the system so bad that 90-95% of orders no longer count to pricing

Gary Gensler confirm

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