Dr. Peter McCullough: The Best Treatment For "Gender Dysphoria" Is To Go Through Normal Puberty

1 year ago

Dr. Peter McCullough:

"Best treatment for 'gender dysphoria' is to go through normal puberty. Puberty blockers cause great harm. @US_FDA @TheEndoSociety should drop them."

"A prepubertal child who has gender dysphoria, the cure for that, is to go through normal puberty. Normal puberty not only changes the body, but it changes the mind, it actually solidifies who's a man and who's a woman. Genetically that's set by either XX or XY -- XX for women, XY for men -- but puberty is actually what makes the brain turn into a male brain or a female brain. So we would never want to give puberty blockers.

“Transgender medicine is a nightmare. It is the wrong way to go. It is bad medicine. I don’t think there should be transgender medicine because no good doctor would do this.”

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Dr. Peter McCullough: The Connection Between Autism, Transgenderism & Lobotomies


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