The Certainty of Death and Taxes - Red Dead Online

1 year ago

The Certainty of Death and Taxes - Red Dead Online

#RedDeadRedemption2 #RedDeadOnline #RDR2

The Certainty of Death and Taxes is the last Moonshiner story mission featured in Red Dead Online. Maggie asks you to set a trap to eliminate her Braithwaite rivals and the Revenue Agents once and for all.

After organizing a meeting with Danny-Lee Caton and Bartholomew Braithwaite, the protagonist and Lemuel Fike head to the swamp south-west of Saint Denis to set up a trap for their two rivals and the revenue agents they tipped off. After dousing the area with moonshine, the duo hides behind the mossy trees to observe the meeting and to trigger their trap later on.

Soon after, the revenue agents led by Reid Hixon arrive. Braithwaite bribes Hixon and is let go. Before being able to set off their trap, Lem and the player's cover is blown by one of the agents. After Hixon insults Lem and sardonically jokes about his aunt, Lem tries to take an agent's rifle and accidentally shoots his moonshine wagon, resulting in an explosion. The protagonist briefly passes out and is woken up by Fike shortly after.

The player then has to chase Hixon through the inferno. After taking out all of the agents, Hixon desperately tries to reason with the player by explaining the consequences of killing him and by saying Maggie is just using him. After his monologue, Hixon tries to draw his gun and Dead Eye is activated, allowing the player to easily take Reid out.

After killing Hixon, the protagonist has to capture Danny-Lee and bring him to his moonshine shack. In the shack, Maggie confronts him with his actions six years prior. Danny-Lee confesses he didn't know what to do and begs Maggie to spare him. He is then ultimately let go by Maggie.

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