Dark Legacy II

1 year ago

The CIA murdered John F. Kennedy Jr's Father, his Uncle, and then they murdered him, along with his Wife [who was likely pregnant at the time] and her sister while they all were on their way from New Jersey to visit his Mother, Jackie in Massachussetts. Why would the CIA do that? Because JFK Jr. would have surely become President one day, and no family has stood up against the Thirteen Families who have owned this country since 1913 [and the unaccountable, unconstitutional "national security" establishment they convinced their agent, Truman to create in 1947] more than the Kennedy family has. As far as the owners of this global plantation that we all live on are concerned, there are just far too many people named Kennedy who want to be President, and free the slaves.
Nothing posed a greater danger to the cabal's plans to herd Americans, along with the rest of the world, into the waiting arms of their New World Order --the Technocratic one-world government they've been planning for more than 100 years more than another JFK-like Kennedy in the White House. Don't kid yourself, the U.S. National Security apparatus was created specifically to serve the interests of the central banking families who long ago bought up our world through monetary fraud, and it continues to serve that cabal so to this day, which is why JFK threatened to "break it into a thousand pieces, and cast it to the wind" just before they orchestrated his murder in Dallas.
There's no doubt in my mind that, if JFK Jr. had ever been elected as President of the United States, we would not only have found out who was really responsible for the assassination of his Father and Uncle, he would have carried out his Father's wishes regarding the CIA.
Let's not forget that, in 2017, Donald Trump pledged to release all the remaining documents on the JFK assassination. But in 2018, when it came time to do so, he reversed course after a meeting with the CIA Director, citing what he called "national security concerns."
Hmmm. Why would Trump do that? What would those documents, which have been kept hidden from us for more than 60 years now reveal? You know, and I know what they would reveal; that the CIA was intimately responsible for Kennedy's assassination, and that Oswald was just a "patsy," just like he said he was, a patsy who was on the payroll of both the CIA and the FBI.
Read: The Coup d'état of 1963
Read: The Thirteen Families:

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