1989 🇷🇺 UFO case: The Voronezh UFO landing compilation.

1 year ago

On a pleasant afternoon of 27 September 1989, a group of children in Voronezh were playing football in a local park when a large red sphere, 30 feet in diameter, landed right next to them.

Upon seeing the mysterious object, a large crowd gathered around the area and suddenly a hatch opened in the craft and two strange creatures stepped out from the craft.
One of the strange creatures was short and had a robotic appearance, whereas the other one was a gigantic humanoid (12 to 14 feet tall).
They were perhaps sightseeing as they walked freely around the town.
The alien that appeared to have “three eyes,” was wearing a silver jumpsuit, bronze-colored boots, and a round disk on his chest.

Considering the huge number of eye-witnesses, the incident stirred a huge sensation and news was on the front page all across the world.
The news agency TASS picked up the story.


Voronezh landing site Google:

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