Testing of Your Faith

1 year ago

God promises to test your faith in this life. Discover a proven strategy for passing the faith test.

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Millions lack faith to receive answers to their prayers—to free their minds from fears and worries. To have faith, you must understand what it is. Request our free booklet What Is Faith? for the simple Bible definition of faith—and the practical steps for building living faith in your life.

Every good deed and miracle of Jesus Christ was made possible by faith. Learn how His perfect life as a human is your blueprint for how to exercise real faith!

Discover the vital link between faith and healing. God’s healing doctrine is a prime example of what it means to have faith. To believe in God’s absolute promise to heal, you must understand the true meaning and ultimate fulfillment of that promise as revealed in the Holy Bible. Real faith must be built on the strong foundation of God’s Word.

Understand the kind of faith required for salvation. It is so much deeper than just uttering the words “I accept Christ.” Faith is a gift from God. You can prove that faith and law keeping are intertwined. Believe and obey.

Study What Is Faith? for the stunning truth about this life-saving subject.

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The Epistles of Peter—A Living Hope. The Apostle Peter wrote his Bible message during one of the darkest times in Church history. He had witnessed mass rebellion within God’s own Church. He was about to be killed for preaching the true gospel.

Still, Peter remained relentlessly positive. His two short Bible letters are a motivating reminder that only those who grow in faith and obedience will enter the Kingdom of God.

You will also receive a free copy of our booklet Just What Do You Mean … Born Again? The true ‘born again’ doctrine is the most important truth you can know, made plain in the pages of your Bible. However, confusion about this subject abounds. Study Just What Do You Mean … Born Again? with an open mind to discover the role of faith in this miraculous conversion process.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request What Is Faith?, The Epistles of Peter—A Living Hope, and Just What Do You Mean … Born Again? Order now!

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