"Atlantis: a poem" by Clark Ashton Smith

1 year ago

And thus concludes the Atlantis cycle. However, this is not the end of Poseidonis, for there are other lost locales of legend frequently tied in with Atlantis, like Lemuria and Mu and some others, which we will cover coming up next!

Above its domes the gulfs accumulate.
Far up, the sea-gales blare their bitter screed:
But here the buried waters take no heed—
Deaf, and with welded lips pressed down by weight
Of the upper ocean. Dim, interminate,
In cities over-webbed with somber weed,
Where galleons crumble and the krakens breed,
The slow tide coils through sunken court and gate.

From out the ocean's phosphor-starry dome,
A ghostly light is dubitably shed
On altars of a goddess garlanded
With blossoms of some weird and hueless vine;
And, wingéd, fleet, through skies beneath the foam,
Like silent birds the sea-things dart and shine.

The picture used is an AI art generated image of Atlantis, using nightcafe.

To follow along: http://www.eldritchdark.com/writings/poetry/34/atlantis

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