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15 seconds

15 seconds

The Weird, Confusing, Mixed Messaging of Russell T Davies’s New Era of Doctor Who!

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#DoctorWho #RussellTDavies #RedDwarf #DavidTennant #jinkxmonsoon #transport #drag #NcutiGatwa #MillieGibson #sooz #SoozKempner #TheRabbiFromAnotherPlanet The Rabbi From Another Planet Presents "The Weird, Confusing, Mixed Messaging of Russell T Davies’s New Era of Doctor Who!"

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1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • I am tired of that myself. I am an old science fiction fan. I loved it as an escape from the world so I could reboot. So I could leave for a few hours and take a break from the insanity of this planet. Now they have it in everything I watch. It is getting old. I don't even bother watching much of the new stuff anymore. I don't need TV and movies preaching to me about anything, especially morality or politics.