Ask Ashley - Episode 23 - Is it better to do markets or have an online shop?

1 year ago

Join me for a 30-minute Q&A session where you can ask me any of the crochet business questions you've had on your mind. Helping fellow entrepreneurs succeed is my passion so feel free to ask away!

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2023 Content Calendar:

0:00 Welcome
1:50 Should I have 2 Etsy Shops with 2 Specialties?
5:16 What email list service do you use? And what kind of website do you have?
10:05  I would love you’re advice about internet sales vs in person (markets) which builds a more consistent business?
18:52 What do I need to do if I haven’t had much activity on my Etsy for a few weeks after having decently good traffic before that?
32:06 I have a big stock of Red Heart & am noticing as Im making items to sell that it pills a lot/gets frizzy? Is there anything I can do about it or should I get new yarn for my business?
34:12 I have been crazy busy prepping for my first market and I feel like I am kind of stalled on my etsy shop to focus on the market. any advice for balancing and not neglecting one or the other?
35:12 What does an email service do?
35:55 What would you say was the most important thing you’ve done to grow your business?
36:18 if I want to make stickers also for my ideal customer, can I put them on my crochet etsy shop also?
37:55 Should I build the Etsy store before I’m ready to open?
38:47 What do you suggest using to keep up with how much I’m spending on yarn and then how much I sell an item for? To see if I’m actually making anything. Just starting out.
41:24 what is a good ratio of small items to big items to bring to a market?

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