Future of the Euro - Psychic Reading

1 year ago

Using the Tarot to wade through this very complex situation with layers of intrigue and nuance. Here is a perfect example of how a reading evolves over time.

Will the Euro survive? The second most popular fiat currency on the planet. It lacks the Dollars coveted "Reserve" Status, which leaves it vulnerable to US interest rate pressures and other influences. Also, the entire future of the European Union is in question; will it go the way of the Soviet Union and be relegated to the dustbin of history?

The Tarot may give us clues. I'm asking the Infinite Divine to look out 10 to 20 years into the future of our Timeline to show me the most probably outcome for the Euro.

(P.S. For half the reading, I resisted dragging the Ukraine conflict into this reading, but the cards fought me, and pulled me in. I get into the Ukraine conflict during the second half of the reading, when it became impossible not to address the elephant in the room.)


I am an intuitive clairvoyant who performs future-prediction psychic investigations. I am in no way, implying that my readings are 100% accurate or "objective truth" or even that I am remotely "in the ballpark" to "objective course of events". I read the cards that I get, and that The Divine shows me (and you). Use discernment; perform your own psychic readings to either confirm or invalidate what I am getting. Decentralized, Collaborative & Open-Source Psychic Investigations are the future for this type of work.

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Music credit:
Asher Fulero - Forest Lullabye
Esther Abrami - No.7 Alone with my thoughts

Video credit:


- - - General Information - - -

I use Tarot cards to sharpen my psychic clairvoyant focus to read this topic concerning the future of the Euro currency, and touching upon the European Union and the European Central Bank.

My Readings are performed only after I call in my Spirit Guides and Higher Angels to be present with me, while I channel a specific Divine Collective through my Tarot cards. I request of them, that my psychic channel and the reading to be bathed in Christed Light, so that truth may be revealed, for the highest and best good of all. I also employ other means of ensuring a safe space as well.

*The Arthur Waite tarot card deck is my primary divination instrument for this reading, as well as all my future-based prediction, career, love, business, etc, readings. It provides sharp clairvoyant feedback and crisp psychic signals like no other tarot divination deck can do. I advise all people who are into psychic tarot card readings or learning to read tarot cards as beginners, to adopt the Arthur Waite Tarot card deck, illustrated by the famous Pam, because it is simply the easiest to read with! Oracle cards are great, but they should only be used as a complimentary divination instrument to the primary Tarot deck.

For more information on how and why a Tarot card reading may work, or how psychic readings work in general, please visit my website at alecdavidoff.com


- - - Predictions Disclaimer - - -

Future predictions or predicting the future, including prophecy is never guaranteed. Even the Universe, i.e. the Divine cannot say with 100% accuracy how a future on Earth will result; it is all based on most-likely probabilities, before the unpredictable nature of Humanity's Free-Will is taken into account. To find out how or why this is the case, please visit my website where I go into more detail on future predictions.


- - - Legal Disclaimer - - -

Tarot readings and psychic predictions are for entertainment purposes only. They are not an authorized substitute for State-licensed psychological, financial, medical, nor legal approved counseling. Nor are they a replacement for corporate media & state-approved official news sources and their narratives. Psychic readings are always based on subjective interpretations and should never be taken as objective fact; study Quantum Mechanics to understand why. Use your best judgement and discernment when making major life changes and decisions. When taking psychic readings into consideration, the liability for your actions, rests solely in your hands.

*Full legal disclaimer: alecdavidoff.com/terms-of-service

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