Smith and Wesson M&P 2.0 10mm. My choice for backcountry security.

1 year ago

When traveling in the backcountry, security is paramount. Lions and tigers and bears.. Oh MY! Traditionally, most backcountry adventurers have relied on the powerful. 44 magnum to dissuade any potential large predator from making a meal of them. But since the 1980s, the 10mm auto has gained popularity amongst backcountry adventurers. Able to carry more rounds than the traditional 6 shooter, lighter, and the ability to put more rounds on target faster with greater accuracy. The advantages of bringing a semi-automatic pistol have given the traditional wheel horse a run for the money. Now Smith and Wesson has heard the call and answered with a fine firearm. Sleak and sexy, priced right, with the capability to mount a red dot and pistol light this firearm can fit the bill in the backcountry as well as a carry weapon for those 2 leg predators that have increased in today's unstable population.

Check out the video and see if it's worth adding to your gun safe.

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