Lois Christy Prayer Group conference call for Thursday, June 22nd, 2023

1 year ago

Lois Christy 06/22/2023
Meeting notes and Scripture references
Regular Prayer Call Schedule (please adjust for your local time)
-The Tuesday and Thursday calls begin at 8:30am Central Time
-The Saturday call begins at 9am Central Time.
Note: Video/Audio files uploaded to Rumble can take up to 3 days
to be available, but usually are ready within 24 hours
Heavenly Father, we love You and are so thankful to You for Your faithfulness to us. Thank You for loving us and giving us Jesus. We come boldly into Your throne room of grace and take our seat at Your right hand, in Jesus, with the enemy beneath our feet. We give You praise and glory today, we rejoice in You, for You are a great and mighty God who loves Your children. We war from the place of victory and are overcomers. We are called, chosen and faithful. (Rev 14:14)
Father, help us to be informed for what You want us to pray, so we can co-labor with You against this evil agenda. We are looking to You and Holy Spirit.

Jesus, we love You and thank You for Your Blood that redeems us. Thank You for Your Cross that heals us in our spirits, minds and bodies. Thank You for giving us Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us.

Holy Spirit, we love You and ask that You lead this prayer call with power, passion, precision, grace and anointing. You show us things to come, remind us of things and give us the two-edged Sword of the Spirit to wield against the enemy. Help us to be holy. We love You for being our Counselor, Teacher, Standby, Advocate, Intercessor, Comforter, Strengthener. Thank You for never leaving us. Thank You for helping us today to tear down the strongholds. The weapons of God are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.

The Blood of Jesus over everyone, our loved ones, our spirits, souls and bodies. We pray this all in the matchless name of Jesus, our Savior.
Jn 14:14
If you ask Me for anything in My name, I will do it.
Rom 8:26
So too, the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.
Mention of:
Federal judge strikes down Arkansas' gender-affirming health care ban as unconstitutional:
Playing audio of:
BlackRock Driving Business Into The Arms of The New World Order | Part One:
Playing of James O’Keefe audio and reading of:
Note…(The interview was done in a restaurant so some of the recording is a little hard to hear because of background noise.)
BREAKING: BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’ While Spilling Info on Asset Giant:
[NEW YORK] JUNE 20TH The O’Keefe Media Group has published a new story focusing on perhaps James O’Keefe’s most powerful investigative subject to date, BlackRock Inc.
In the footage, a BlackRock Recruiter named Serge Varlay describes how BlackRock is able to ”run the world” in about 7 minutes of riveting undercover footage. The footage was captured over the course of several meetings in New York by one of OMG News’ rockstar undercover journalists.
BlackRock Inc is the world’s largest asset management company that’s gained more notoriety as of late due to its large acquisitions. Varlay says it’s easier for BlackRock to do things when “people aren’t thinking about it” and the asset giant “doesn’t want to be anywhere on the radar. This story is a peek into why.
Serge Varlay told our journalist that BlackRock manages $20 trillion dollars worldwide. According to him, “it’s incomprehensible numbers.” BlackRock has over $9.5 trillion of assets under management, that’s larger than the GDP of all countries on the globe except the US and China.
“The senators…are f... cheap – you got 10 grand, you can buy a senator,” Varlay remarked in what is arguably the most unabashed description of corruption and bribery from their own company we’ve ever heard. The extended soundbite from Varlay is below:
You can take this big f... ton of money and buy people, I work for a company called BlackRock…It’s not who is the president it’s who is controlling the wallet of the president. You could buy your candidates. First, there is the senators these guys are f.. cheap. Got 10 grand you can buy a senator I’ll give you 500k right now It doesn’t matter who wins they’re in my pocket.
Varlay doesn’t stop there, he goes on to describe what those in his line of work think of the tragedy of war saying its “real f... good for business”.
Ukraine is good for business, you know that right? Russia blows up Ukraine’s grain silos and the price of wheat is going to go mad up. The Ukrainian economy is the wheat market. The price of bread goes up, this is fantastic if you’re trading. Volatility creates opportunity for profit…
Varlay added that its “exciting when s... goes wrong.”
Despite the fact that Varlay literally asked the OMG journalist if she was “undercover” based on the nature of her questioning, Varlay didn’t know he was being recorded when he was sharing his thoughts. He was skeptical of the reporter’s questioning because “normal people don’t give a s...” about these harsh realities. “It’s beyond them,” says Varlay.
A video of James O’Keefe’s interview confrontation with Varlay is expected to be released soon. As of the time of this writing. A press representative for BlackRock Inc has declined to comment on the story.
Ps 2:1-12 TPT
How dare the nations plan a rebellion. Their foolish plots are futile! Look at how the power brokers of the world rise up to hold their summit as the rulers’ scheme and confer together against Yahweh and His Anointed King, saying: “Let’s come together and break away from the Creator. Once and for all let’s cast off these controlling chains of God and His Christ!”
God Speaks:
God-Enthroned merely laughs at them; the Sovereign One mocks their madness!
Then with the fierceness of His fiery anger, He settles the issue and terrifies them to death with these words: “I Myself have poured out My King on Zion, My holy mountain.”
The Son Speaks:
“I will reveal the eternal purpose of God. For He has decreed over Me, ‘You are My favored Son. And as Your Father I have crowned You as My King Eternal. Today I became Your Father. Ask Me to give You the nations and I will do it, and they shall become Your legacy. Your domain will stretch to the ends of the earth. And You will shepherd them with unlimited authority, crushing their rebellion as an iron rod smashes jars of clay!’ ”
The Holy Spirit Speaks:
“Listen to Me, all you rebel kings and all you upstart judges of the earth. Learn your lesson while there’s still time. Serve and worship the awe-inspiring God. Recognize His greatness and bow before Him, trembling with reverence in His presence.
Fall facedown before Him and kiss the Son before His anger is roused against you. Remember that His wrath can be quickly kindled! But many blessings are waiting for all who turn aside to hide themselves in Him!”
Is 59:14-19 AMPC
Justice is turned away backward and righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God) stands far off; for truth has fallen in the street (the city’s forum), and uprightness cannot enter [the courts of justice]. Yes, truth is lacking, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. And the Lord saw it, and it displeased Him that there was no justice.
And He saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor [no one to intervene on behalf of truth and right]; therefore, His own arm brought Him victory, and His own righteousness [having the Spirit without measure] sustained Him.
For [the Lord] put on righteousness as a breastplate or coat of mail, and salvation as a helmet upon His head; He put on garments of vengeance for clothing and was clad with zeal [and furious divine jealousy] as a cloak.
According as their deeds deserve, so will He repay wrath to His adversaries, recompense to His enemies; on the foreign islands and coastlands He will make compensation.
So [as the result of the Messiah’s intervention] they shall [reverently] fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him and put him to flight [for He will come like a rushing stream which the breath of the Lord drives].
Job 5:12-19 KJV
He disappoints the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise. He takes the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong.
They meet with darkness in the daytime, and grope in the noonday as in the night.
But He saves the poor from the sword, from their mouth, and from the hand of the mighty. So, the poor hath hope, and iniquity stops her mouth.
Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects: therefore, despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: For He makes sore, and binds up: He wounds and His hands make whole.
He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee.
Father, we come before You and know that You act upon Your Word that we speak. We are believing for You to bring down this giant, this satanic stronghold called Blackrock. We are believing You to cut off the tentacles of BlackRock, cut them off of America, off of people’s businesses, retirements and their money. We ask that their evil intent be stymied and brought to an end. That they go no further.
We are asking that other states rise up and kick them out of their states and for You to raise up a standard of how righteous business should be done. You know what needs to be done to raise up a standard against them. Intervene in this evil intent, this evil acquisition of buying up houses.
Help us Lord, help this nation. Thank You for deflating this evil demonic principality. Let Blackrock collapse and implode on itself. Let them roam around in the dark and not be able to get it together. Let a resistance rise up against those that want to control others.
We pray this in the name of Jesus.
Ps 2:12 NLT
Submit to God’s royal son, or He will become angry, and you will be destroyed in the midst of all your activities— for His anger flares up in an instant. But what joy for all who take refuge in Him!
Ps 2:10-12 NET
So now, you kings, do what is wise; you rulers of the earth, submit to correction. Serve the Lord in fear. Repent in terror.
Give sincere homage. Otherwise, He will be angry, and you will die because of your behavior, when His anger quickly ignites. How blessed are all who take shelter in Him!
Father, thank You for unveiling this evil corruption of Blackrock and hearing our prayers and helping us to have the victory concerning this. In the name of Jesus.
Praying in the Holy Spirit.
1 Sam 17: 50-51 CEV
David defeated Goliath with a sling and a rock. He killed him without even using a sword. David ran over and pulled out Goliath's sword. Then he used it to cut off Goliath's head.
They will fall by their own devices. Let it come back around and bite them and bring them down, in the name of Jesus.
Is 30:29 NLT
But the people of God will sing a song of joy, like the songs at the holy festivals. You will be filled with joy, as when a flutist leads a group of pilgrims to Jerusalem, the mountain of the Lord— to the Rock of Israel.
Is 29:3-4a,5-10,13-16a,17-24 BSB
I will camp in a circle around you (deep state, Blackrock, tyrants); I will besiege you with towers and set up siege works against you. You will be brought low, you will speak from the ground, and out of the dust your words will be muffled. Your voice will be like a spirit from the ground; your speech will whisper out of the dust. But your many foes will be like fine dust, the multitude of the ruthless like blowing chaff.
Then suddenly, in an instant, you will be visited by the LORD of Hosts with thunder and earthquake and loud noise, with windstorm and tempest and consuming flame of fire. All the many nations going out to battle against Ariel (America)— even all who war against her, laying siege and attacking her— will be like a dream, like a vision in the night, as when a hungry man dreams he is eating, then awakens still hungry; as when a thirsty man dreams he is drinking, then awakens faint and parched.
So, will it be for all the many nations who go to battle against Mount Zion (and America).
Stop and be astonished; blind yourselves and be sightless; be drunk, but not with wine; stagger, but not from strong drink. For the LORD has poured out on you a spirit of deep sleep. He has shut your eyes, O prophets; He has covered your heads, O seers.
13 Therefore the Lord said: “These people draw near to Me with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. Their worship of Me is but rules taught by men. Therefore, I will again confound these people with wonder upon wonder. The wisdom of the wise will vanish and the intelligence of the intelligent will be hidden.”
Woe to those who dig deep to hide their plans from the LORD. In darkness they do their works and say, “Who sees us, and who will know?” You have turned things upside down...
17 In a very short time, will not Lebanon become an orchard, and the orchard seem like a forest? On that day the deaf will hear the words of the scroll, and out of the deep darkness the eyes of the blind will see. The humble will increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. For the ruthless will vanish, the mockers will disappear, and all who look for evil will be cut down— those who indict a man with a word, who ensnare the mediator at the gate, and who with false charges deprive the innocent of justice.
Therefore, the LORD who redeemed Abraham says of the house of Jacob: “No longer will Jacob be ashamed and no more will his face grow pale. For when he sees his children around him, the work of My hands, they will honor My name, they will sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and they will stand in awe of the God of Israel.
Then the wayward in spirit will come to understanding, and those who grumble will accept instruction.”
Jer 23:29 NASB
“Is not My word like fire?” declares the Lord, “and like a hammer which shatters a rock?”
Dt 28:7 NASB
“The Lord shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way and will flee before you seven ways.
Father, we cover James O’Keefe and we thank You for him. He’s like one of those standards, like a flood that You have raised up, to bring forth truth and revelation of what is going on. We plead the Blood of Jesus over him. We call for the angels of the Most-High God to surround him, to be encamped around him and to protect him. Let the influence of his tent pegs, of his influence and revelation extend out wider. Let other people wake up. Let states rise up against this Blackrock. Let others rise up to take Blackrock down. Remove the wealth of Blackrock and have it distributed to the righteous who know how to use it for the gospel.
Father, cover him in all his blind spots. We cover him with the shield of favor of God and with the Blood. Give him times of refreshing in Your presence. Reveal which path he is to take. Protect him where he is vulnerable. In Jesus’ name.
For James O Keefe:
Ps 18:17-20 NASB
He delivered me (James) from my strong enemy, and from all those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me. They confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the Lord was my stay. He brought me forth also into a broad place; He rescued me, because He delighted in me. The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands He has recompensed me.
Lois prays:
Father, we plead the Blood of Jesus over everyone, our loved ones, our spirits, souls and bodies, for their protection. And we plead the Blood of Jesus over those who come on the call later and all that concerns them. The Blood of Jesus over them for their protection in every area of their lives.
We plead the Blood of Jesus over our properties, our houses, our dwellings for You give Your angels charge over us. The blood of Jesus over our finances, our health and our pets.
The Aaronic blessing (Numbers 6:24-26) over everyone:
The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.’
We pray this in the name of Jesus.
Praying for Lois:
Father, we thank You for the women of God. We thank You that she knows the voice of a good shepherd and she does not follow the voice of a stranger. Thank You, that You keep Your eyes upon her to counsel her heart according to the way she should go. She goes according to Your heart and she will never depart from it. She is the blessed of the Lord and everything that she puts her hands to prospers. She is bold when she needs to be bold and to purr like a kitten when she needs to purr like a kitten.
Lois will experience new favor with greater understanding of who You are and Your ways. And Lois will be able to articulate the ways of the Lord to others.
She is blessed, strong, healthy and praising daily the wisdom of God. We thank You for Lois and bless her, in the name of Jesus.
Mention of movie “Sound of Freedom”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_of_Freedom_(film)
We pray safety over all the theaters wherever this movie is being played. No weapon formed against the people that are going to see it will prosper. Angels, we charge you to guard these theaters and the people seeing this movie and other movies. In the name of Jesus.
Father, we thank You that this movie will be a blockbuster.
Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the Words of Eternal Life John 6:68
Make much of the Blood of Jesus & the Blood will make much of you.

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