Shit Has Been Getting Deep in DC the Last 48 Hours!

1 year ago

Colorado congresswoman Lauren Boebert announced she had filed Articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden. She was accosted on the floor of the House of Representatives by none other than Marjorie Taylor Green, who called Boebert a "little bitch" jealous somebody else had finally done what she herself had been talking about doing for months.

Money talks and bullshit walks, baby.
We, the people are DONE with politicians like you, you stupid CUNT!

MTG lost all credibility when she began sleeping with the Swamp Creatures!

But that's not the latest twist of events. MTG's new boyfriend Kevin McCarthy turned tail and in support of Green, turned tail on Lauren Boebert and "We the People" by removing the forced vote measure and in effect, tabeling Representative Boebert's Articles of Impeachment. It is high time we demanded McCarthy's impeachment and removal from office!

McCarthy Exposed
To prevent the gutless republicans from putting their “name” on a vote to impeach Biden for High Crimes and Misdemeanors submitted by Lauren Boebert, backstabbing traitor and RINO Speaker Kevin McCarthy steps in and removed the forced vote measure. It’s way past time to remove RINO Kevin McCarthy & censure his mistress Marjorie Taylor Green as well!

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