Lean green flying machines take wing in Paris, heralding transport revolution

1 year ago

Initially appearing as a mere speck on the horizon, the insect-like and remarkably noiseless electric craft swiftly traverses the bustling streets of Paris, granting its undoubtedly astonished passenger an exclusive bird’s-eye view of iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the city’s characteristic zinc-gray rooftops. With a gentle descent, it lands, suspended in mid-air.

This groundbreaking moment, if successful, has the potential to etch a new chapter in the annals of aviation history, the Associated Press reported.

After years of whimsical and occasionally dubious discussions about a future populated by environmentally friendly electric taxis soaring through the skies, the aviation industry is poised to transform these dreams into reality, claiming that the future is just within reach.

READ MORE: https://apnews.com/article/aviation-paris-olympics-macron-technology-e833949c5f10e72e5f4d883d7036a0ba

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