Plants vs Zombies 2 - Penny's Pursuit - Zomboss - Gem Plant Showcase - Fire Peashooter - June 2023

1 year ago

This Penny's quest focuses on the Gem plant Fire Peashooter and was offered between between June 21, 2023 and June 28, 2023.

Fire Peashooter is a member of the Pepper-Mint family.
Fire Peashooter costs 175 Sun. (-25 Sun at levels 6 and 10.)
Fire Peashooter shoots a burning pea which does 40 damage. (+20 damage per level.)
At level 5, Fire Peashooter gains 5% chance to fire a plasma pea. (+5% at level 7, 8, 9 and 10)
Plasma Peas do 180 damage. (+30 damage per level.)
When given plant food, Fire Peashooter blows a jet of fire encompassing the entire lane. This will do eight (8) strikes dealing 225 damage. (+25 at levels 3, 6 and 9.)
Fire Peashooter can not be frozen.
Fire Peashooter will warm and thaw nearby ice blocks and frozen plants.

The Good:
Immunity to cold.
Decent warming effect.
A nice blending of Peashooter and Torchwood.

The Bad:
Fire Imps are immune to fire.
Jester zombies can reflect burning peas.
Fire Peashooter is a member of the Pepper-Mint family - not Appease-Mint.

If you are starting the game, Fire Shooter is a plant that you should obtain fairly quickly. It's quite efficient in what it does and its immunity to cold will make the Frostbite Caves much more manageable than using Pepper-pult.

Bottom Line:
The problem with Fire Peashooter is not that it is a bad plant. The problem is that there are better options out there. Torchwood gives a nice warming effect and Pyre Vine can give immunity to cold if there is a need for it.

00:00 Difficulty 1 - Zoybean Pod
03:00 Difficulty 2 - Fire Peashooter + Pea Vine
05:25 Difficulty 3 - Mega Gatling Pea + Pea Vine

Given Plant = Fire Peashooter
Chosen Perk is Knock-back / Anti-Gravity / Boss Buster

Level 1 Objective - Remove five (5) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 10 Fire Peashooter
Players start with 2,750 Sun.

Level 2 Objective - Remove seven (7) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 15 Fire Peashooter
Players start with 2,550 Sun.

Level 3 Objective - Remove nine (9) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 20 Fire Peashooter
Players start with 2,300 Sun.

We do not get a preview of Penny's Pursuit before it is released. So what you see is what players get.

We also try to vary the strategies from week to week and showcasing different plants and strategies and ideas. Using the same strategy week after week would be boring to see.

As always, if you appreciate these videos, learned something from them, please subscribe. This incentives me to continue making these videos.

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