Lounger & scrounger video call tue 20 jun 2023 GeorgeGodley dot com vlog dot com 0329S03

1 year ago



–Welcome to GeorgeGodley.com vlog.com videodiary.com diary.org diary.tv and 100 domains Tuesday 20 June 2023 2:37 PM
-Fact based [factual] thoughts and feelings subject NOT to change without no tits [notice]
-Facebook spyware CIA FBI criminals allegedly according to Kennedy RFK junior storing all your data for artificial intelligence slavery.. [says Alex Newman behind the deep state thenewAmerican.com]
-“I don’t want her to feel like I’m enjoying my time somewhere else and she’s suffering at home.”
-Business negotiations- see transcript below
-15min+ vlog.com sticker remover = somebody who doesn’t like the truth about the genocide and he wants people to die because my whole website is to protect and warn people about the COVID and CLIMATE FRAUD GENOCIDE [DEMOCIDE]
30 is broken sleep bad? 3 hours & 3 hours?
32 inspector app photos Artificial intelligence kill & control.. rfk jr, covid & climate fraud.. amazon ring surveillance..
33 Chechens afghans gypsies nicaraguans destroy totalitarianism
34 this is it old songs bold & broke old shit 1M views.. pew die pie whole mentioned him
35 not recording need 2 cameras or mic
36 phone rec trick 2 conv panoramic airplane mode cancer NWO
39 formal clothes phot video increase value
41 audio more important but shaky video unwatchable
42 is a pink tie gay? Women like pink, ladies like soft people
44 better no sex keep connection, 3500 ladies? laidees?
45 birthday plans
46 Alex Newman thenewamerican.com Artificial Intelligence slavery give em fake data.. Timbuktu tarantulas
48 analytics countries Katmandu , not on same page..
51 sticker fell down on floor ugh
52 telegram Russian zuckerberg
53 do you have any old camera, a73?
54 fake camera
54 Columbo box set 100 episode, wikipedia episode summaries. What’s the point watching & forget?
55 remember good important things apply to show
56 big lebowski film don’t work on Sabbath masterpiece
57 gypsy kings raspy guitar strum claps Spanish lady Aida protests E.U Ursual Von der Liar cbdc WEF slavery
56 Anarchy beats control , tricky gypsies, criminal controllers corrupt need cash themselves
1h digital I.D cancer phone MRNA death shots, alt media
1h1 $10,000 SONY A! 8K overheats & stops after 1 hour, flip screen a7r5
1h4 Bring Asatur Gamk, Sona
1h6 Nettisa Sinclair
1h7 compulsive talking wikipedia
1h8 Dimitris, everyone I know lost a family after MRNA bio weapon clot shot [fake vaccine]
1h10 wired v. wireless , showbiz showjiz
1h11 only 1 guy? Vax victim sirens
1h12 talk about po… {rn] [land LOL HAHA]*****, audio under zero
1h13 screen settings dark
1h14 dynamic range light
1h15 Sony A1 stops again, battery, chem trails, geo engineering spray sky control weather..
1h16 lose most summer there, married maniac
1h17 thumbnail dieter bohlen dimple smile
1h18 bad quality bread, no bread, gluten free, no veg oil
1h19 Sony A1 small print, devils in details, bald & broke shitty little camera can’t get any small print
1h20 Ricky Gervais extras, DO NOT GOOGLE youlube, DO BRAVE odysee bithcute other platforms
1h21 support other platforms, they stole 13,000 of my videos so should steal 13,000 of theirs
1h22 loud ass pigeons hoo hoo hoo 5a.m loud bag, Brighton stones, rat poison chewing gum bread
1h23 picture flight birds scares them, eat poo screw snooze, public defecation fornication
1h24 soap shower water
1h25 hay fever runny eyes nose itch tree sperm rape non consensual, if we do that jail hello harassment bill gates kills millions still free
1h26 clarityn, skin rub damage regeneration
1h27 offline call Asatur, no facebook
1h28 crimes against humanity democide share info nothing to do w me
1h29 dad 16 degrees King Charles wikitree, W.E.F climate fraud totalitarianism, all humanity goes to 1 cockroach worm
1h30 copies storage LTO TAPE copy south London dodgy
1h31 they only want what you don’t show, Las Vegas storage unit fraud theft.. public storage
1h34 Columbo 1 more thing, calls.. too good to be forgotten
1h36 mykonos or home Facebook spyware, phone number, please call me Facebook, lonely, Nigeria 20 billion dollars
1h37 what if its real you thought fake
1h38 no call Asatur call 3 weeks, 3 months Facebook, chat.. Thailand winter
1h39m50 thanks for visiting.. editing, mess
1h41 don’t promote genocidal democidal website host, decluttering, just about had it horrible
1h42 a we fade to gray song you’re next not too bad henna, king Charles eats organic, removed GMO labelling requirements to harm his people?! Political climate fraud shove it..
1h43 inspector shoes off covers, moment silence, guess how overweight, boh3m3 300lbs,,
1h44 my audience people who wanna see if they’re on to sue, authorities wanna kill maim enslave you hey I finally got an audience aaah, how many pizzas dairy carbs sugars per day
1h45 america megalomania bigger better gun prick audience not weight.. not happy w traffic statistics.. sucks..
1h46 can’t beat the camcorder, SSHHT! [SILENCE] tinnitus
1h47 offline don’t need this sh, give all for free, heart mind soul
1h48 Alex Newman thenewamerican,com behind the deep state [Depp state] human rights freedoms. Why eat pig if you are what you eat
1h49 video slideshow timelapse.. Articficial Intelligence holes use your data to enslave & kill you?
1h50 room clutter suitcases better things to do than declutter inventory worth sharing no one there bbbppp mid finger autoplays youtube 100M AUTOPLAYS
1h52 thanks for viewing commenting rating & subscribing, georgegodley,com vlog.com video diary.com diary.org diary.tv & 100 domains, “lungs last 60 years” without smoke
1h53 disappointment thanks for nothing sigh

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