Warner Mendenhall: Medical Malpractice, Unprecedented Overreach, and Hospital Protocols | TEASER

1 year ago

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“The upper bounds of damages against Pfizer would be $3.6 trillion dollars. And obviously Pfizer’s not worth $3.6 trillion dollars. That company would have to be seized in bankruptcy, its assets distributed and sold off, and I think that's an appropriate end for that company. So I'm doing everything I can to get there.”

After witnessing fraud and abuse among his colleagues in local government in the early 1990s, Warner Mendenhall decided to go to law school and has today spent over two decades bringing lawsuits against the government for overreach and abuse of power.

“Government is treating us like children, as if we can't make decisions that are appropriate for our friends, families, communities, on our own,” says Mendenhall.

Today, he is representing Brook Jackson in a landmark case against Pfizer, alleging fraud in their clinical trials for the COVID genetic vaccines.

“She went to work for a subcontractor of Pfizer, a clinical trial site, and what she saw there was absolutely appalling,” says Mendenhall. “And it was completely unblinded. I think that's the key point, is they knew who had gotten the shot and who had not.”

We dive into the details of the case, and look at Pfizer’s contract with the Department of the Defense to manufacture and distribute mRNA vaccines.

“There is no requirement in that contract for good manufacturing,” claims Mendenhall. “So if safety signals come up, or we know the manufacturing is bastardized, it doesn't matter. They can't stop paying on that contract.”

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#Pfizer #Moderna #Ventavia
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Warner Mendenhall: Medical Malpractice, Unprecedented Overreach, and Hospital Protocols That Killed

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