Titanic Cover Up: Rothschild-Funded Ocean Gate Sinks Sub To Hide Truth About The Titanic?

1 year ago

Did an iceberg really sink the Titanic?
Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies is here to talk about the missing submarine and his alternative theory about what’s really going on.
When the media believes something is important and all have the exact same narrative that is a red flag the truth is being concealed.
The lost submarine operation was initially funded by the Rothschild dynasty.
Due to a new treaty citizens of the West will no longer be able to visit the Titanic wreckage site without a permit.
This submarine operation was able to obtain a permit with an experimental sub design while using a wireless video game controller.
Zach believes this tragedy will be used as justification to prevent anyone from visiting the Titanic wreckage.
Zach also believes the Titanic was not sunk by an iceberg but rather an explosion.
We know jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams.
Likewise, an iceberg cannot cut through a hardened steel hull.
John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenhei, Isidor Straus, and George Dunton Widene all perished in the Titanic disaster.
All of these men were opposed to the creation of the federal reserve.
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