QUIZarenaLIVE 78 Interactive Movie Trivia Livestream

1 year ago

@RushcutterEnt presents #QUIZarenaLIVE *THURSDAYS* _from_ *7.30PM Sydney Time.* We chat about the week of breaking news from the entertainment world, latest release movies and trivia hot off the presses.

_Join QUIZmaster_ - *Richard Lovegrove* - @richardlovegrove - (https://rushcutters.wixsite.com/richardlovegrove)

_Together with_ - *Rhiannon Elizabeth Irons* - @rhiannonelizabethirons - (https://bio.link/ahlephia) https://www.themay50k.org/fundraisers/rhiannonelizabethirons/the-may-50k-2023

_as they compete, with you, in four rounds of movie trivia. Strap on those thinking caps, it's time for QUIZarenaLIVE_

*Box: Metaphor* | Kevin Khachan's 3rd film #Advancedscreening #sydney https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1054528

Enter your #feature #shortfilm #documentary #animation #hplovecraft-inspired #webepisode #unproducedscreenplay to the 15th Edition: September 28th - October 1st, 2023, at Dendy Cinemas Newtown.

*Play Venkman Burn in Hell daGAME now for FREE*
🎮Check my links: https://bio.link/rushcutterent

0:00:00 - Pre-screen #youtube #subscribers #haveyouseen #daas #douganthonyallstars #throwyourarmsaroundme #music #band #aussie #redlettermedia #comedy #funnybusiness #laughingmatters #rowanatkinson #games

0:10:45 - *Jamie Blanks, Steve "Uncle Creepy" Barton & Casey Hartnett* introduce #RiddleMeThis #RecentRelease #Trailer #kraventhehunter #teaser #levimiller @sonypictures @ColumbiaPicturesPhils @marvel #russelcrowe #aarontaylorjohnson #stanlee

0:13:59 - QaLs03 Intro #nostalgia #distro #roku #nost #tvs #nexttv #WKUW #tvguide

0:15:53 - Welcome guests and much ado about #nosound #lipreadingchallange #audio #gizmo #gremlins #davidcopperfield #magician #lasvegas @DAVIDCOPPERFIELDCHANNEL #television #special #phantomoftheparadise #sports #tourism #flashnews

0:25:23 - *Entertainment News* #foryou #with #RhiannonElizabethIrons @pixar #elemental @disneyanimation @DisneyMovieTrailers #catherineohara #leahlewis #mamoudouathie #wendimclendoncovey #elementals #elements #earth #wind #fire #water #goplanet #captainplanet | #johnfarnham #thevoice #youarethevoice #findingthevoice #jimmybarnes #darylbraithwaite @JohnFarnhamTV #doco @ScreenAustralia @sonymusic @sonypictures @wheatleyrecords #australia #australian #aussie #whisperingjack #documentary #biography | #croc #crocs #gex @PlayStation #console #gamergirl #gamer #gaming #retro | #joker2 #joaquinphoenix #ladygaga #ladygagafan #brendangleeson #zaziebeetz @dcofficial @bronstudios @villageroadshowfilms5884 @WarnerBrosPictures @warnerbrosentertainment #joker #harleyquinn | #sarahmichellegellar #scoobydoo #jamesgunn #movieworldau @universalstudioshollywood #interview #teenwolf | #flash #vivid #sydney #drone #droneshow #theflash @vividsydney

0:53:51 - *Riddle Me This!* #tvseries #nostalgia

1:00:37 - #WheelOfFourTunes #trustme

1:03:44 - *ROUND 1* 🥇 #TheCustomerIsAlwaysRight #michaeldouglas #poll

1:49:57 - Yes Let's! #itsnotcheatingifyoutrustme #d20 #youknowyouwanna

1:56:50 - *ROUND 2* 🥈 #CelebrityCreepyCrawlies #spiders #wasp

2:13:55 - *ROUND 3* 🥉 #VenkmanBurnInHell #ZenerCards #ESP @AustralianSkepticsInc #ghostbusters

2:26:22 - *FINAL ROUND* 🏆 #QUIZarenaTournament

2:41:51 - Winners Announced & #trustmemore #lastchance

2:50:09 - #UnderTheCovers & Outro

*More QUIZarenaLIVE:*
#3dfx & Original Music by @LuxVoco
#patreon : https://www.patreon.com/TheRushcutters
#subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnKIHRtbc_3t08EJOqGu3Nw
#youtube #fullepisode #playlist : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLnadaPaanlCK0QaXnycPN7dvzxyYwlqm
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#twitter : https://twitter.com/RushcutterEnt
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#twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/quizarenalive

#affiliate #influence4you https://ln4.fr/ln464750cba9acc5
Design, print & ship your art: http://tee.pub/lic/wufPZzPMKYE

Watch QUIZarenaLIVE with Richard Lovegrove every Thursday night from 7.30 PM AEST/ 2.30 AM PDT/ 9.30 AM UTC. #watch on Facebook, Twitch & interact only on YouTube or #bts on TikTok

Get new episodes of shows you love across devices, stream live TV & watch full seasons #foryou fan favorites anytime, anywhere with Patreon or try out past games for free! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLnadaPaanlA7CGhVnO_7vTRvE5-Aucvb

Streamlabs loyalty points: https://streamlabs.com/rushcutterentertainment

What you Win:
1. Adoration from your peers
How to Enter:
1. Subscribe to RushcutterEnt on YouTube
2. Compete in the interactive LiveStream QUIZarena Tournament

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