Heaven Land Devotions - Go And Live...

1 year ago

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Yesterday I started feeling a strange kind of insecurity creeping in. I could not understand why at first. Sometimes as humans we feel insecure because of past experiences that were negative. However, everything was fine and there was nothing to be concerned about.

By the next morning with that same feeling of insecurity had returned. I know it was not the enemy as I kept checking. He was not in it. I could not figure it out. After I had finished praying I opened up my Bible to read, and within seconds my heart welled up and I let out a prayer of what I was feeling with tears.

That feeling was the reality of my being nothing. I am not speaking of having no value to God, but a very profound seeing and knowing that I am indeed "a vapor here for a little time and then vanishes away."

Jesus wanted me to feel this insecurity in order that I would pray and hear His voice which brought great relief and comfort to me.

Are you feeling insecure? Do you feel as though you are nothing at all and so small? He might be letting you feel it on purpose in order to reveal a greater view of Himself to you. Then you will find rest like a little child near to His heart.

"Prayer is not always petition, sometimes it is just communion. It is the exquisite ministry of friendship." ~ John Henry Jowett

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